Thursday, June 13, 2013

Paul Bunyan

For all you that don't know Bauer, his hero for the past year has been Paul Bunyan. Bauer and I went to Walker last week and stopped in the big city of Aitkin to see the mighty Paul. We sat there for 30 mins and Bauer told me stories about Paul..........because he has never told me how Paul can cut a tree down with one swipe of his mighty axe. 

Potty Party

I think the headlines and the picture says it all.


When Jill comes home from work she wants to know what we have done today......I look at her with that 1,000 mile stare and I just tell her "SURVIVAL"!

As some of you may have noticed I have not posted in sometime. Here is the update on our kids.

Bauer-He wants to be the boss at all times and not just the boss of his siblings, but of me as well.

Rhett-It has taken me two years to figure out that Rhett may not be my son, but yet the devil to haunt me for the rest of my life!

Georgi-I really have nothing negative to say about Georgi, she is just perfect. She sleeps and smiles, thats it.