Thursday, January 31, 2013

Million $ smile

Rhett is a great hockey player, however he is terrible at shoveling snow "off" the ice. Rhett was going around the outside of the rink bringing the snow on the ice and making small mounds. Rhett is lucky that he has a million dollar smile, otherwise he would have been fired from shoveling!!!!

Warm weather

A bit foggy out this past Monday, however we had a break in the -25 degree weather. It was in the upper 20's and boy's loved the nice warm weather. The ice is a bit rough but we can fix that this week and get it back to normal. A sad note; Frosty did not make it through the cold spell. The boys have not noticed that Frosty's head is gone and they still say "hi" to him. I really don't have the heart to tell them the truth that his head is gone.


Uncle Jon and Aunt Heidi teaching Bauer a few new wrestling moves. A couple items to note; Heidi is the actual wrestling master (3-time Montana State Champion) that was teaching Bauer all the moves and this may be a surprise to you, but Bauer pinned Uncle Jon.

Back to sleep

This game of hockey wears Rhett out. Sometimes Rhett wakes up from a nap to walk to the living room to fall asleep on his couch.....all within 2 mins.

Hitting the ice

Back out working on our basic skill's......with a 5 gallon bucket. I wish we would put our ice skates on everyday, however with the cold it has been rare and far in between. Also, Bauer would rather just shoot pucks all day with just his boots on.

Monday, January 28, 2013


For weight training today, Mom and Dad took us bowling. It was a great way for us to get out of the weight room with still getting a work out in. Bauer's stats were as follows; 3 balls that stopped half way down, 1 ball down our neighbors lane, 1 strike and 1 spare. Rhett's stats; 1 spare.

Ice Fishing

Basically anything to do with ice we love to do. Here we are practicing ice fishing in the bath tub. The odd thing is that Rhett has a beanie on and Bauer has nothing on.

Time out

Time out: Two minutes each for fighting. Now, put your nose into the penalty corner. 


Basking in all my glory after a hard fought victory.

Just give me my THUMB

Hockey player's don't cry after a battle wound, we suck our thumbs, then get back out on the ice!

Any Temp

We don't care how cold it is, anytime anywhere anyplace any temperature!

Bundle up

Old man winter gave us -25, we said "so what, we are hockey player's!"



"Dad, stay away from my chocolate."

Nothing but mesh

And now to really test out that warranty on the hockey net. So far it is still together. (Note: Frosty is still  cheering us on.)  These pics were taken in early January.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our spare time

We can't play hockey all the time and sometimes we have to take breaks from our rink. In our spare time we take photos for our fans and cuddle with mom. Bauer is also working on a plan to fix all the cracks on the great wall of china while Rhett spends his free time writing romance novels.

Hockey net

Uncle Jon welded us an amazing hockey net.....last year. I finally got around to painting it and stringing the net on. The boy's (and I) love the net so much we have put a request for Uncle Jon to make us another, he even gave us a life time warranty on the metal work.

First skate of 2012

While it was still a late night with Elmo PJ's, Bauer wanted to try out his new skates and I wasn't going to say no. Mom wasn't to happy as it was so late, but it was the first skate on the new rink of 2012.

Elmo PJ's

Finally towards the end of December we hit the our elmo pajamas......and it was late, but we just had to try it out!

Shovel the rink boy's

Before we could skate I had to shovel the rink. I put an ad in the paper and these are the only two that showed up. After many 5 min breaks and hot chocolate the rink was ready for a little puck and stick!